Jacob Kiil
- Criminal law
- Family law
- Tort law
- Born 1968
- MA (Law) University of Copenhagen 1991
- Admitted to the Danish Bar 1994
- Right of audience before the Danish High Court 1994
- Right of audience before the Danish Supreme Court 1999
- Court-appointed counsel for the defence 2001
- Member of the Patient Injury Appeal Board 2006-2014
- Member of the board of Foreningen af Beneficerede Advokater i København (the association of court-appointed counsels for the defence) 2001-2012
Advokatfirma Jacob Kiil, cvr.nr. 30252101
Advokatfirmaet Jacob Kiil bank accounts:
Danske Bank
Client account: 3001 3001775871
Business account: 3001 3001775863
Please find the Jacob Kiil Personal Data policy in this document. (pdf)
In case of a bank’s bankruptcy, the depositors are covered pursuant to the Danish Act on guarantee scheme for depositors and investors. The guarantee amount covers a legitimate depositor’s funds up to an amount corresponding to EUR 100,000 (about DKK 750,000). The coverage maximum applies to the total deposit with the bank even though the funds may be deposited in various accounts, including in both client accounts and own accounts.
There are special rules for deposits regarding real estate if the real estate has been used for or is primarily for non-commercial purposes. In this case, an amount of up to EUR 10 million is covered up until 12 months after the amount was deposited and regardless of whether the deposit is in a separate account. More information about the guarantee scheme is available at the webpage of the Guarantee Fund at www.fs.dk/garantiformuen/om-garantiformuen